A few years ago, my son A gave me a couple of hundred dollars to buy myself some seahorses. I have yet to do so. Who will look after my seahorses when I go on vacation? I will buy them yet my son. I love you.
I have always been fascinated by seahorses since I was a little girl. My sister S said our daddy had promised her, he would buy her seahorses. But I want the sea horses!! I remember my daughter L, writing a great essay about seahorses when she was in 2nd grade.I was almost more fascinated by how her little mind worked as she researched and put together the essay. I remember we had faxed her grandpapa (my daddy) her essay and how proud we were all were of her. I could not believe that the little `seahorse' of mine could write and think like she did. I remember thinking I could not have done that at her age. At 2nd grade I do not think I could write an essay let alone do research. I do not know how well I read then!!! I was very glad that we decide to come to the United States and raise our family here. She had and continues to have opportunities I never had. Oh, to do the things the students in US school do and that we could only dream about in Malaysia.
This birthday, my sister C gave me some seahorses. Glass seahorses. As promised here are some pictures of them. They are very pretty except for the smallest, the soft glass seahorse. As you can see, it looks like an earthworm. Kind of like the one, I would fix to the hook for fishing. That's the one I could make form the glass rods I have. The other seahorses are borosilicate - harder glass that need a kiln and a more powerful torch than I have. Where is the pattern for the Crochet seahorses? Get them to me so that I can make them. Promise to post pictures of them when done.

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