My passions - things that grow pretty or yummy, cooking things I grow with a pinch of sugar and spice and my love of photos and journals. Not least of all my family - like Kumquats mainly sweet but can be "tart" and so often pixelated. Always, always with humor and love.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Molten Chocolate Cake 1
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Smoky Spiced Eggplant
Monday, November 23, 2009
Dried Pork Curry
The German adventure continues.......Schnitzel goes Eastern... becomes Katsudon!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Pomegranate Pork Loin
Pomegranate Marinade:
2 ounces peanut oil
4 dried red chiles
4 ounces garlic chopped
4 ounces sliced ginger
1 bunch green onions, chopped
2 cups pomegranate juice or pomegranate syrup
1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon fresh ground black pepper
6 ounces tamarind paste
4 ounces brown sugar
2 tablespoons coriander, toasted, crushed
2 ounces soy sauce
Prepare the pomegranate marinade. In a saute pan, heat the oil. Add the chilies and cook for 15 seconds. Transfer to a deep casserole, and add the garlic, ginger, green onions, pomegranate juice, rice wine vinegar, pepper, tamarind paste, brown sugar, coriander, and soy sauce.
Place the pork rack in the marinade and let it marinate it for 3 hours or up to 2 days, refrigerated.
Remove the pork from the marinade. Season with salt and pepper. Divide the marinade into 2 portions. Reserve.
In a saute pan, over high heat, add the olive oil and 1 ounce of butter. Sear pork until golden. Transfer to a preheated 350-degree F. oven and roast for 20 minutes, basting with half of the reserved marinade every 5 minutes. Slice the chops apart and continue cooking until meat thermometer inserted into the chops reads 150 to 160 degrees F, another 5-7 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a saucepan, bring the remaining half marinade to a boil and reduce until thickened. Strain. Whisk in 4 ounces of butter. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Reserve.
Friday, November 20, 2009
German Butter Cake
Thursday, October 8, 2009

After returning the Hunter rainboots, I was on the lookout for rain boots for daughter L before the raining season begins in San Francisco. I came across these Tokidoki rain boots that I and L fell in love with. It was hard not to open the box until she came home...... but it was worth it, sort of......I mean I did not even open the brown carton it came in! I love the shoe box itself - so artistic. We were very excited. Unwrapping the tissue paper revealed a visual treat. I think they are so cuteeeeeee

Alas, we deduce that she needs a larger size so it is going back. I am ordering the larger size to come before her next weekend home. Who wouldn't want to come home when you have Tokidoki waiting for you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Past Animation

While making an attempt to "fall clean" my junk/treasures I came across a shoe box that had been used by my son A, for his bald eagle science project. It had information pasted on the side along with a drawing of the bald eagle. It weighed a little heavy so I open it. Lo and behold, it held another glimpse of the past. This time of daughter L. We tend to re purpose stuff a lot in our house.
Inside the box was the penguin that L and her project partner Kimberly made for the Clay Animation class they took in 2003. I know I am great like that! Ha, ha, actually don't know where I saw this name today while rummaging/ cleaning but there was a reference to the class and who L worked with. I searched everywhere but I cannot locate the CD containing the clay animation clips she did in 2003. I have the one from her Video editing class of that year and even the one from brother's clay animation class in 2005. Now the missing animation clip is going to haunt me. I did find a picture in my archive that now has me hunting for another missing item- a clay seal!! Yes, it was story about the seal and the penguin. The seal was not in the box!!! Thank God I had the good sense to take a photograph way back when.
I just want to photograph the projects my children made before they disintegrate or are lost forever, which I hope is not the case here. Plus it is a great way to free up space and declutter. I better get to work then before all I have of those artistic endeavours are my failing memories.
PS. No, it is not all about daughter L. When I figure out how to take son's animation clips off the CD which contained the whole class's project I will blog about it. Regretfully, he does not have his clay animation figurine ( and NO I did not throw it away- he repurpose it almost immediately!)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Too literal and too practical
I was in my initial Amigurumi flush when I spied the Silhouette SD being offered as a one time value of $120 versus $200 to $260 depending on what came with it. Mine came fully loaded with 50 free designs, 25 gift card for more designs, 2 rolls of vinyl sheets, etching creme and some cardstock. I thought I might be able to cut sticky backed felt to decorate with Amigurumi with. Needless to say, I found it could not do that... but it could do a lot of other cool stuff. I can design graphic or text on the PC and the Shiloutte will cut it out.
Today, I installed and set up the machine. I load the paper as instructed and the LCD kept saying unload media. I tried different paper alignment, reinstalling the blade, you name it. Read online manuals. Tried and retried with same error message"unload media." READY TO RETURN IT. Finally, it dawns on me. Nothing is wrong. Duh!! The LCD was merely stating the option available to me"unload media" after I had cut out my design!!
I am thinking now it is kind of cool. Do I absolutelt need it? No. I had already printed out return label before testing it.... Hmm, it would make cool school project and gift ideas. And greeting cards and......
I think I have to stop being too literal (thus problem with *error message) and stop being so practical. I just have to say I want it and I am keeping it. So there
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
eWee and Tramacula the Dracula
I tried. I tell you, I tried not to be dragged back to the project, telling him I will send him something for Christmas to no avail. He was relentless- eWee. A few more version later and he gives in. The red. white and black combination just spelled Dracula. So he set out to make a very respectable Dracula. It is late at night and my eyes are getting blurry. eWee says" You know what Aunt H, it would be really fresh if he had a top hat." Off he goes for a shower and the sucker that I am, I make a top hat. Ha, ha.... it does make the Amigurumi or as eWee like to say, " It's fresh." Take a look at Tramacula..... name for Temecula!!

You know how it is. Once you make one, you make another. So I decided to make sister C one of the Amigurumi she wanted - the Grim Reaper. He is cute don't you think so??? So C, get Grim Reaper from eWee or his mom. Don't let him keep it. I warned eWee you will do him bodily harm if he tries to keep Grim Reaper.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
August in the garden

Upset that my "fruit" was not plumping out!

Ops- looks like they are flower buds

Definitely - flower buds and not the fruit

Spent flower and hopefully fertilized so that I have fruit!

Around the time that I had the eureka moment about the dragon fruit, I found another pleasant surprise. A bunch of bananas forming on the banana plant! This was so amazing and unexpected, as I swear not more than 3 days before the discovery, I made a concerted effort to look at the banana clump to look for banana flowers. It has been a few years since we had any banana as we had been trimming out the clump. Hopefully the bananas will ripen before the weather cools down. Looking forward to eating "Ice-Cream" banana.

All is good in the garden. Look at picture updates of the other fruit trees and vegetable garden.

Mango and Strawberry Guava

Gorgeous crimson flowers and healthy fruits

Cousins! - Beet and Swiss Chards

Onions, shallots and onion flower heads